FLACC Pain Scale – accessible diagram content

FLACC Pain Scale

Sometimes it is difficult to assess pain in children who are non-verbal. The FLACC Pain Scale is a system that can
help parents and professionals assess pain levels in children who have limited or no expressive communication. The
diagram shows the categories for scoring. Zero, one or two points are given to each of the five categories: Face,
Legs, Activity, Cry and Consolability.

Interpreting the Behaviour Score – Each category is scored on the 0-2 scale, which results in a total score of 0-10:
0 = relaxed and comfortable; 1 to 3 = mild discomfort; 4 to 6 = moderate pain; 7 to 10 = severe discomfort or pain
or both.

FaceNo distinct facial expression or smile.Intermittently showing grimaces or frowns or showing withdrawal or indifference.Frequently or constantly quivering their chin or clenching their jaws.
LegsNormal or relaxed state.Showing signs of agitation, restlessness or tension.Kicking or drawing their legs up.
ActivityQuietly lying in a normal position and moves effortlessly.Fidgeting, moving back and forth and showing tension.Arched or stiff posture or jerking movements.
CryNot crying.Moaning, whimpering or complaining from time to time.Contantly crying, screaming, sobbing or complaining.
ConsolabilityRelaxed and at ease.Can be distracted or reassured by physical comfort (e.g. touching and hugging) or with conversation.Hard to consol or comfort.
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