Tertiary Education

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Microboards Australia led the development of the Post Graduate Certificate of Education; Special Education - Complex Communication Needs at Edith Cowan University. Microboards managed the development of this post graduate qualification along with curriculum design and implementation (lecturing).  This course is now in its 8th year and is widely recognised nationally and internationally for outcomes which have seen a significant impact on communication access, behaviour support and cultural change particularly in the field of education.

Who does this qualification relate to?

Anyone with an undergraduate degree can attend this post graduate qualification pathway. The qualification is attached to the School of Education and as such many students are from educational settings across Australia and Internationally. Allied health professionals including Psychologists, Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists are also regular members of this post graduate community. We often open up opportunities for people who do not have an undergraduate qualification to do the course without an actual enrolment with the university to be members of some of the units.

What units are included?

  • Foundation Studies and Current Issues in Special Education
  • Complex Communication Needs: Being an Effective Communication Partner
  • Literacy Instruction for Individuals with Complex Needs
  • Understanding Behaviour and Planning Support for Individuals with Complex Needs

Interested to find out more?

You can find out more by accessing the Edith Cowan courses outline here.

Microboards Australia is pleased to announce a partnership with Curtin University to develop two Post Graduate qualification pathways with the option of further study to qualify for a Masters Degree.

Microboards alongside Curtin University will see the development, curriculum design and course management of:

The Post Graduate pathways aim to build the capability of the disability sector in relation to the support for people with complex communication needs (CCN) and/or people who may experience changes in their wellbeing which can be expressed through behaviours that can be seen to be challenging or of concern.  This includes work towards building capability of the mainstream, allied health, NDIS behaviour support practitioner, education and disability service organisation workforce to:

  1. Build a contemporary understanding of the needs of people regarding why they may engage in behaviours that can be seen to be challenging
  2. Build awareness and skills in developing support inclusive of support planning for people with behaviour that can be of concern or seen to be challenging.
  3. Build awareness and skills in implementing support and creating capable environments that are evidenced based, contemporary and meet the underlying needs of people therefore reducing the risk of behaviours of concern and the use of restrictive practices.
  4. Build the capability of the sector to support people with CCN through the provision of communication accessible environments, information presented in accessible ways and support to make decisions related to their life and support implementation.
  5. Build the capability of professionals in the development and implementation of AAC support, inclusive of access to literacy across the lifespan to improve their quality of life and meet their communication rights.

Please see below for information sessions for the 2025 courses.

Information Sessions for courses starting 2025

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